Sunday, 29 March 2020

Home schooling

Rezultat iskanja slik za clipart learn at homeNow you have two weeks' experience of home schooling or distance learning. Compare this with learning at school. What is better, what is worse? Do you miss anything / anyone? Write a few sentences comparing both schooling.

Friday, 20 March 2020

The trees

In the 6th grade we have talked about the trees and why they are good for us. Now listen to the story The giving tree and then answer the questions:

What is the boy (man) in the story like? What is the tree like? What does it give to the boy?

You can find the book in the Slovenian language. What is its Slovene title? 

Monday, 2 March 2020

Do you care about the world we live in?

Look at some of the amazing pictures made by Chris Jordan and find out what are they made of (click on the images to zoom).  Have you found any surprising facts?

What about you? What can you do to help the wold become a cleaner and better place?