Wednesday 1 April 2015

Working as a movie translator

Today you have learned something about translating movies and writing subtitles. What was this experience like? Do you find this job interesting (creative, difficult, ...)? Why? 


Anonymous said...

I wasn't in school on Wednesday, because I had a math competition to attend. This job definitely sounds interesting, because you're challenged to translate text into languages that don't have certain words or phrases of the same meaning. It is probably a very difficult job.

Dorjan, 9.b

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, this job is really difficult. Also it depends what are you translating, movies, reality shows ... Some words are really hard to translate and there are so many rules. But in some way it is interesting.

Aleksandra, 9.b

Andrew James said...

Professional subtitle translator's job is really difficult. You have to really to understand the flow of the story first so that you can translate a movie well. I think it also depends on the category of the movie.