17th March
17th March is a special day and a holiday in one of the English speaking countries? Where? How is it celebrated? What do people do on that day? Would you like to celebrate it too?
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It is celebrated in many of English speaking countries like Great Britain. It is called Sint Patrick's day.
On the 17th of March Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick`s Day. They usually wear green clothes or green acessories. They drink Guinness, eat bacon and cabbage.
Lana, 7. b
17th March is a special day and a holiday in Ireland, because they celebrate Saint Patrick`s Day. On that day people wear green clothes and accessories and they eat a traditional meal: corned beef and cabbage. I would like to celebrate it too, because it looks very interesting and fun.
Ines Vidič, 7.b
17th March is a special day and a holiday in Ireland. Every year on this day, the Irish people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Originally was this a religious feast (Saint Patrick is the Apostle of Ireland), today is this an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, “wearing of the green,” music and songs, Irish food and drink. I would like to be in Irelnad on that day.
Peter, 7.b
On the 17th of March Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.It is celebrated inside and outside Ireland as a religious and cultural holiday.This day is also a celebration of Ireland itself. People on this dey wear green clothes and green acessories. On this day people go on the streets, there is music and cars with Saint Patrick's decoration.
Nina, 7.b
17th march is Saint Patrick's.They wear green clothes.
Tibor Mirtič 6.b
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