Do you know what people around the world do on this day?
What about you? Have you got a favourite poem? Do you know any poems by heart? Do you write poems (in English)?
Share with us a short poem or a verse that you like!
Here's one of my favourite by William Blake:
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
One of the main objectives of the world poetry Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities. I usually don't write poetry because I don't like it that much and I'm not talented for writing poetry. I really like that poem:
If kisses were raindrops,
I'd send you showers.
If hugs were seconds,
I'd send you hours.
If smiles were water,
I'd send you the sea
and if love were a person,
I'd send you ME!
Tara Tomšič, 9.b
People around the world write poems and even some bars offered their coffee for free if you write a poem.
I don't normally celebrate the World Poetry Day, because I don't write poems or read them. Because I'm not in to poetry I don't have a favorite poem. I even don't write them.
Eva, 9.b
On the World poetry day people write and read poems. In schools children learn about them. If you write a poem you can even get a free coffee in some coffee shops. I usually don't celebrate World poetry day. I only write poems in school when we have to, because I don't have a talent. I don't have a favourite poem. I don't even know many English poems.
Maša, 9.a
World Poetry Day supports poets and poetry around the world. It is also an opportunity for children to be introduced to poetry in classrooms.
Poets are invited to read and share their work at book stores, cafes, schools... I find this day very interesting, but I usually don't share my poems. I write them for myself. I don't have a favorite poem.
In school we can learn the poem Soči by heart, but I probably won't choose it, because I am not very good at recitation.
Ivana, 9.b
World Poetry Day supports poets and poetry around the world. Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings.i sometimes write a poem in Enlish, but they are more like songs. I'm not very good at poetry, but I like this poem:
Love is love,
I love my love,
my love is you,
so I love you.
Liza, 9.b
Many people around the world celebrate World Poetry Day . It is a time when classrooms are busy with lessons related to poetry, in which students examine poets and learn about different types of poetry.Various works of poetry and images of poets are featured in various materials and forms of media to promote World Poetry Day each year. Exhibitions and other events are also held to showcase various forms of poetry on this day.
World Poetry Day is on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO in 1999. The purpose of the day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout the world. I usually don't celebrate the World Poetry Day because I don't like to write poems. We write poems in school. We can write them in 3 different languages: Spanish, English and Slovenian. I don't have a favourite poem I barely know some.
Zara Marolt Sabljaković, 9.b
On the World poetry day people write and tell poems. I don't write poems on World poetry day, because i don't celebrate it. I don't read poems and I don't have a favourite one. I don't write poems. I know some of them by heart. We had to learn many poems by heart in school. Some people told me that i should write poems, but i don't like them that much.
Luna Kregar, 9. a
On the world poetry day people appreciate and support poetry by writing poems. It's also an opportunity for children to be introduced to poetry in classroom. I don't write poems and celebrate this day, but I like reading it. I like many of them, so I can't decide which one's my favourite. I know some poems by heart, for example, Soči and Povodni mož. I like this poem:
I wish you were
Still just a
Human to me,
I don't want
To look at you
And see poetry.
Ela, 9. a
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