At school we have been dicussing different rules that you have at home. Do you have any rules about computers? Are you allowed to use computer as much as you want? Do your parents know how much time you spend surfing the internet, playing computer games or watching films? Can you imagine life without computers?
I don't have rules about computer. It's just one thing, I mustn't play computer all the time or all the day. My parents know how long am I surfing on the internet.
I don't imagine life without computer. I don't imagine that I should some things (for school) searching in the books. It's easier searching on the internet.
I have one rule about computer,I must do homework and study before I surf on the internet.
My parents know have much time I spend surfing on the internet. I don't imagine life without computer and I agree with Eva, I do a lot of things for school on the computer.
I don't have any rules about the computer at home. I'm allowed to use computer as much as I want, so my parents know how much time I spend surfing on internet.
I can't imagine life without computer. Not becouse I do a lot for school by it, but becouse the internet is the only way to be in contact with some people - ok, I could call them or send them messages, but it would be very expencive if I wanted to tell them everything. And as well I can't imagine what would my father and uncle work if there were no computers ...?
I don 't have rules about computer, I do homework and study than I surf on the internet. My parents know how much time i spend surfing on the internet, usually after 2O.OO because before I don 't have time for that. I don 't imagine life without computer and I agree with girls ! I use computer for a lot of things, searching some informations, surfing, speaking with friends from another country and so one. I think computer is very usefull if you use it for right things :)
I have rules about computer, because without them i could be on computer all day long. 1st, I have to do my homework and then I can go on computer. But I brake this rule many times :O. My parents usually know how many time I spend on the computer. Anyway I spend most of the time in front of my computer in listening to music. I don't think I can imagine life without computer :).
I'm allowed to use the computer for as long as I wish, and time usually passes really fast when I'm on it, so I stay online longer than I would have imagined/planned. My parents know about how much time I spend on the net. And yeah, I guess I can imagine life without computers ... because in any case, I'd find something else to waste my time with. =D
I'm sorry but I just wrote about 3 paragraphs, but i had problems signing in, and i lost the text i wrote and i don't have time or will to do it again. Sorry. Maruša
I don't really have any rules about computers. If my parents (mostly my dad xD) notice that I use it too much, they'd say that I shouldn't. But my parents have to use their computers a lot for their work themselves and my dad is kind of computer-crazy so they don't really think that computers are a bad influence. Not to mention that my computer is in my room so they can't control all my time on it 24/7... :))
So I think they know how much time, but don't know exactly when I use it... but I'd have to ask to be sure.
A life without computers is hard to imagine when we have the life style we have now.
Good morning!
We don't have any rules about computers at home :) just my brother. When I use my computer i use it for presentations and homework. Sometimes I use it for playing games if I'm bored. When I surf internet I watch youtube videos or I download music. I use my computer once a week. That is not much I think:))
Yes, I have few rules.. like I mustn't be on the computer more then long and that's it.. when I was younger I was grounded many times but now I know how much time I have for computer and how much for school and so on.. Yep, it would be very dificould without computers.. =)
Ummm...We have some rules about computer. I can play computer one hour per day at the weekends. I can't play computer at school days becouse I am going to music school at monday and friday, and swimming from tuesday till thursday, and I have to learn for school. When I am on computer I usualy play games ,listen some music, watch movies and talk on chats. I actualy have no imagine about life without computer becouse we comunicate with world with it ;D
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