What do you know about this day? Click here, listen and learn about how it all started.
Watch this video - it is one of the best hoaxes of all time. Can you imagine that many people really believed what they saw in the "documentary"? What was the hoax about?
What about you? Are you going to play any tricks on anyone?
Yes I will play some tricks. It's very funny. It's wrong, because it's only one day in the year. In april Fool's day is better if it is sunny outside.
I agree with what Mark Twain said. All I know about April 1st is that it's the one day in the year, where people are "allowed" to joke around with others. The thing is, I'm not sure I like the jokes so much, because it's mostly fun only for the person who plays them on others. Sometimes the jokes can get out of hand and really hurt your feelings. I don't play tricks on people on the 1st of April. Well ok... I do ... but only the small innocent pranks that don't hurt people's feelings. Otherwise I steer clear of pranks.
When you go to school on 1st of April, you know that all your friends will trie to do pranks on you.... I sometimes do pranks but not on April 1st=)
Has anyone already watched the video? What do you think about that joke on BBC television?
April 1st is as any other day, nothing special.Because people know
that someone will play trick on them.I never play tricks on people and that joke on BBC television...
I would never belived that.
I agree with what Mark Twain said.
April fool's day is a day celebrated in many countries. It's the day when people prank or play tricks on others. I know that there are also many well known tricks that were performed on this day, but some of them don't seem funny to me because they must have scared a lot of people. For example the hoax of the tower of Pisa falling over when many people contacted the station. On the other hand I read about the 1965 BBC hoax of smell-o-vision (which is suppose to be a television from where you can smell things that were playing on it). Many people contacted BBC to tell that they have seen it.
I can't really imagine that people actually belived the hoax of the spaghetti trees.
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